A Thousand Lotuses around One Lotus

The Dzogchen Nyingthig Community is a Global Sangha founded by AR. It serves as a secure and confidential space dedicated to the dissemination and preservation of AR’s Dzogpachenpo teachings, sādhanas, termas, his Vajrayāna and Mahāyāna teachings, as well as the interaction and cohesion of students and practitioners, associated centres and retreat centres, across the world, in particular the US and Europe.

“The practice of Guru-Yoga is an exceptional way whereby we can actualise our Buddha nature in a forceful way, not in a sort of passive way, but we can truly engage by connecting with the Guru’s enlightened mind. Our own mind can reach the same level. And so we can achieve our own primordial state of enlightenment as it is, but in an active way, you know, forcefully bringing forth that realisation through connecting with the enlightened mind of the Guru.“

- R